Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Is your body a temple?

I initially wrote this last week after pondering the conversation for a couple of weeks.  I then pulled an Abe Lincoln and sat on this to make sure it was something I wanted to post.  Well…enough sitting on it.  I think it is important to share, because if it changes just one person’s life then I did the right thing. 
Recently I had a conversation with someone that was concerned about me.  They were concerned specifically that I was treating my body like a temple.  This conversation took place two weeks ago and has stuck with me this long that I decided to expound upon it. 
While I agree your body should not be worshipped like a temple, as the only thing that should be worshipped is God.  But when you really look at it, why would you not treat your body as if it were a temple?  I want everyone to ponder these thoughts. 
·         God created you.  ALL of you.  Your BODY, mind and soul.  So why trash any of those things? 
·         You only have one BODY.  You choose how you treat it.
·         Finding balance in life is one of the most difficult things we all face.  Balance involves tying your BODY, mind and soul together to be the most complete person you can be.  It is tough to tie something together if you cannot bend over to tie your shoes or climb a flight of stairs without running out of breath.
·         Everyone of you deserves to be happy.  One of the best ways to achieve that is to improve your self-esteem.  One of the best ways to improving that is improving your health.  If you smoke, quit.  If you drink too much, slow down.  If you swear too much, knock it off, there are kids around.
·         Lastly, the most important reason that you should treat your body as if were a temple is best seen through my story. 
People tend to think the main reason why I’ve changed my lifestyle is because I found a challenge in Natural Bodybuilding.  In part, this is true.  But what very few, if anyone know is that the true reasons I have changed is because of two women who permanently came into my life this past year; my gorgeous wife and my innocent niece. 
I remember fighting back the tears as the Mrs. walked down the aisle, knowing that I had the opportunity to grow as a man and as a husband.  I realized that I need to be there for her just as she is there for me, forever!  You cannot be there for someone forever if you clog your arteries with fast food day in and day out.

I also remember seeing my niece for the first time minutes after she was born and how awakening it was to have a love for a being that you don’t even know.  For those of you with nieces and nephews, you understand.  I realized then that I want to be around to watch her grow and impact her life, forever!  How can you impact a child's life if you can't lead by example and practice what you preach? 
So am I treating my body as if it is important, similar to a temple?  You’re damn right I am. I have a great wife that depends on me mentally, physically and emotionally.   I also have a niece that I look forward to imparting knowledge and watch grow up. 

Monday, May 16, 2011

Transforming a lifestyle

It has been a while since I've posted.  Today was the official start of regaining some balance for a couple of months or so...but before I do so I have some loose ends to shore up. 

One of the key pieces to me transforming my body and getting up on stage was Omar Henderson of Body By "O".  He has been friends with the Mrs. for quite some time and was a key piece to helping her become the most beautiful bride I know (and yes I'm very biased).  I have already mentioned the story in a previous entry on how the journey to the stage developed.  So go read my other entries!

Omar took a leap of faith and opened up his own studio recently.  Body by "O" is strongly endorsed by the Mrs. and myself.  We highly recommend reaching out for him...send us a message and we'll tell you how to get ahold of him. 

What you will get:
  • Straight forward, honest analysis.
  • Motivation.
  • Community like support structure.
  • Pointed in the right direction.
  • Satisfaction of knowing you are transforming your lifestyle.
  • An introduction to the 3D mindset.
What you will NOT get:
  • A weight loss gimmick.
  • False hopes and dreams.
  • He will not do your ab workout or cardio for you.
  • A recipe book...(unless you pay for it, then I'm sure he'd make one for you).
  • If you're a woman (most of his clients are women) you don't have to worry about the sweaty ugly dudes hitting on you...
With that being often speak louder than words...actions speak louder than words...I've done my here are the pictures...22 and 24 weeks later.

Friday, May 6, 2011

3D and we aren't talking glasses

It has been a while...I promise once the off-season starts we'll kick this thing up a notch and churn out recipes, interviews and workout clips. 

Tonight's topic:

What the hell does 3D mean?

3D didn't originally start as all started with a text message from Omar in which I eventually morphed it into the simplistic 3D format.  However, it is far from simple...adhering to a 3D mindset will challenge you mentally and physically.  You will laugh, you will cry, and at times you may want to quit.  But the best part about the 3D experience is that at the end of the day you are better because of it.  

2 questions for everyone:

1.  What do you think 3D stands for?

2.  Are you ready for the 3D experience?  If so, speak'll get pointed in the right direction.  

On another note:  Good luck to "O" at the Atlantic Super Show tomorrow which is an IFPA pro card qualifier and good luck to "K" in her pro figure debut at the IFPA Pro Bowl!   

Sunday, May 1, 2011

I'm hooked!

Well the first contest is in the books...and as predicted, I enjoyed it.  I enjoyed it so much so that I'm doing it again on May 21st.  The Mrs. was a great ace in the hole and does a helluva job putting a tan on (secretly I think she enjoyed smacking me, and taking out pent up aggravation).  I even got to see a side of the Mrs. that I do not see often, her competitive side.  Her adrenaline was just as high as mine.  As advertised, the leader of the band Omar prepped me well and had me confident and dialed in.  My friends and family were there cheering loud and proud, for that I'm grateful.  Thank you as well to Dave and Monique for putting on a great show. 

In the end I placed 2nd in the Novice short class and 3rd in the Open short class.  I'd be lying if I didn't say I was not slightly disappointed.  I'm a competitor and achieving my goals is what drives me.  I came up slightly short (no pun intended).  But I walked away with some great feedback and feeling good after validating how close I was to winning the Novice class.  While I'm excited about May 21st, I'm even more excited about hitting the weaknesses and giving my body time to tighten up this summer.  September 10th is already penciled in! 

Saturday, April 30, 2011

22 weeks later

Before the story begins, I would be remised if I did not thank the two foundation pieces in this journey, my wife and ace in the hole Erin as well as Omar, my contest prep coach and friend.  In addition, thank you to God, my family, friends, coworkers and Team Hendy.  This journey would not have stayed on course if not for everyone I listed.    

The story started in the beginning of December when my beautiful wife said to me, “Omar said you should do the Belding show.”  I knew what she was referring to, and quite frankly I was puzzled.  Her subconscious must have betrayed her, because she and I both know that when I set out to do something I tend to get “tunnel vision” which impacts everything else in my life, particularly her. 

22 weeks, 154 days, 40 refeed meals, 4 cheat meals, numerous hours in the gym and even more time in the kitchen here I am, transformed into a Natural bodybuilder getting ready to step up on stage wearing damn near nothing.

Like most men, I tend to be stubborn, particularly when it comes to what I was doing in the gym as well as out of it…what many of you may not know is that at the heaviest point in my life I was 190 lbs.  I managed to get the first 20 or so off by myself before our wedding day.  But the last 20 or so…well that is where Omar from Body By “O” came into play.  While I do not know my stage weight at this time (Erin does, I had her check the scale and write it down) I stopped weighing myself at 2 weeks out from today.  I can tell you this…at that time I was 149 lbs.  I lost nearly 20 lbs during this prep.

Now, mind you Omar didn’t give me “magic” nutrition information, nothing that if I knew what I was doing at the time I couldn’t have figured out.  But what he did give me was an accountability point person.  He gave me “no-frills” feedback and his no-bs approach is often what I needed.  In addition to the truthful feedback, he saw my potential and believed in my ability to wreak havoc on my competition this weekend before I did.  For that I am forever grateful. 

While the journey has been filled with great moments, I consider it incomplete until I write the ending of chapter 1…which is where I am setting off to this morning.  It's SHOWTIME!  Pictures will soon follow…and as always, where there is a chapter 1, there is a chapter 2…look for that on May 21st.   

Discipline…Dedication…Doin’ Work…that’s what it takes! 


Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Food is fuel

Fuel at the current time is not used in a positive connotation very often.  Particularly, when talking about fuel prices.  So how fitting that I would write a post about fuel.  But the fuel I am referring to is our daily food intake. 

Ask yourself?  How many times do we see food as a reward or comfort?  Are you really rewarding yourself by chowing down on a bowl of ice cream before bed every night?  Eventually over the course of time, night after night your "reward" catches up to you and your body pays the price. I don't know about you, but I don't want to face the health consequences of poor eating habits later in life that I had an opportunity to control/fix at some point earlier in my life.   

Processed foods and sugar-laden foods are like engine sludge every time you put them in your body.  Think about this, God would not have put people on this earth without a way to eat and fuel ourselves.  But yet we have taken our natural food chain and transformed it into the quick, easy and cheap food chain.  Nah I don't want the asparagus...just give me a handful of those potato chips. 

But if we take the time to realize that whatever foods and liquids we put into our body are what our body functions off of, maybe, just maybe we would think twice.  Start viewing food as the essential fuel that your body functions off of, instead of rewarding yourself or your children with unhealthy shit. 

Monday, April 25, 2011

10 tips to reducing saturated fat intake

10 tips to reduce your saturated fat intake. 

The majority of your fat intake should be from unsaturated fats, not saturated fats.  Why?  Saturated fats increase cholesterol and do not break down very well.  Unsaturated fats can easily be used as energy, decrease cholesterol and necessary to produce hormones that promote optimal health.

Here are some simple things for you to start doing today!  Enjoy your Monday!

1.  Use non-stick cooking spray or unsaturated oils when cooking.

2.  Ditch the fryer!  Boil, bake, steam, roast your foods.

3.  Use egg whites in place of whole eggs.  2 egg whites=1 whole egg.

4.  Use skim milk in place of 2% or whole milk.

5.  Choose low or no fat yogurt, mayo, dressings.

6.  Use spices and fat free condiments such as natural salsa.

7.  Use applesauce in place of butter in baked goods.

8.  Make sure your canned tuna is packed in water not oil.

9.  Choose the leanest cuts of meat that you can.

10.  Trim the fat from the meat.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Don't trust your memory

How many times have you hit a plateau, gotten frustrated and when you can't figure it out you finally just give up and ruin the great gains you just made?  Too many times to count right?  Why is that?  Because, for most of us our memory is not that good.  I have a recommended solution. 

Journal it!  If you are serious about becoming a healthy, powerful, fit and unique individual then keep a not trust your memory.  Now I must admit, I don't always do a good job of this...and throughout the last 21 weeks of my contest prep I am sure "O" has wanted to karate chop me because I was not as diligent.  Do not misunderstand me...I started with the food journal, jotting everything down...until I got to the point where I was eating a majority of the same meals on such a regular basis that I knew where I stood.  When I would make changes I would revisit the journaling to see where I stood.  Now mind you, I did the journaling prior to actually eating the food (a small piece of advice).  Heck, even the Mrs. who is absolutely stunning uses a journal when she hits a sticking point. 

If you aren't convinced about trying out a food journal (if you're not sure, don't go buy a fancy journal...just use a notebook you have laying around the house, or if you use your computer alot make an excel template), then maybe the points below will help.

  • A journal lets you monitor your caloric intake.  Losing weight in the very basic form is calories in vs. calories out. 
  • Writing the food down encourages you to see your food choices on paper.  This helps us to maintain our focus.
  • It could help you control the urge to binge...because if you eat it you better write it down and who in the hell wants to write down that they just ate a whole bag of potato chips? 
  • It allows you to track your progress and if you hit a sticking point it allows you to make slight adjustments that much easier.
  • It reinforces your commitment to yourself to maintain a fit and healthy lifestyle.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Fueling the competitive desire

Today I asked a friend who used to be a competitive athlete as a child what they do now in their adulthood to fuel their competitive desire.  They responded with "oh it is still there", with great vigor I might add.  With such a firm answer, I dug a little deeper (mind you I had a reason, I tend not to ask questions for no reason).  I asked, "yeah I believe that, but what do you do fuel it?  How do you channel it?"  I think I made this person think about how they fuel it.  

It also caused me to think about how we as humans fuel our competitive desires.  Some of us join adult recreation leagues if our bodies still allow us.  Some of us pour our competitive nature into our careers.  Some of us compete with ourselves everyday.  Unfortunately, some choose to live vicariously through their children.  We all know people who channel their competitive spirit in different ways. 

For those of you that may not know or haven't figured it out by now, I am two weeks away from competing in my first bodybuilding show. (This is also my warning that you will see pictures of me in a bikini, so unfriend me now if you want).  I have plenty more to share about the experience at a later date.  But this is how I have chosen to channel my competitive nature.  Sure on show day I'm competing against everyone else there.  But everyday and every show, I'm really just competing against myself. 

When you really look at it you'll see that competing with yourself is the only constant choice in competition.  Teammates change, career changes happen, your children grow up and stop playing organized sports, but the one thing that is there waiting for you every morning when you wake up is YOU.  Your body, mind and soul.  Compete with yourself everyday!   

Friday, April 15, 2011

Protein Pumpkin Pancakes

While they aren't in the nutrition plan at the moment, I absolutely love these!  What initially started as just protein pancakes, evolved into Protein Pumpkin Pancakes due to a recommendation from a fellow competitor.  What I am going to list makes one pancake.  I recommend using a small omelet pan to cook it.

Now, if you remember from our F&F's top 5 kitchen tools that we love our scale.  So everything I have listed is based off of weight measurements.  I apologize that I have never converted them.  If you would like to, feel free to do so.

122 grams of canned pumpkin
138 grams of pasteurized egg whites
32 grams of vanilla protein powder
10 grams of dry oatmeal
splash of vanilla extract
add cinnamon, splenda to flavor
1 tsp of baking soda to help it rise

Mix, spray the pan, pour the contents in the pan, cover the pan, turn the heat to medium and treat it like you would when making a pancake. 

The macro nutrient breakdown is as follows.
Calories 280
Fat 4.5 g
Carbs 20.5 g
Protein 38.5 g

I liked to top mine with 20 grams of almond butter and some Waldon Farms zero calorie pancake syrup!  Here is an old picture from when I first started making these.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Stuff you may not know or maybe you do know

We hope everyone had a wonderful Wednesday, filled with clean eating and physical activity.  Quite often we file one liners and facts that we hear...we would like to share some of them...

1.  Protein at breakfast is more important than at lunch or dinner.  You're less likely to overeat the rest of the day.
2.  Eating eggs for breakfast can significantly reduce your calorie intake for the rest of the day.
3.  51% of children's food products have fruit on the box but NO fruit inside.
4.  Cereals with cartoons on the front of the box are mostly filled with cheap carbs.  Avoid the empty and expensive calories. 
5.  Granola is the best actor in the world.  It has convinced us for years that it is healthy.  A cup is 400+ calories of mostly sugar and fat!
6.  Words like "juice drink" and "juice cocktail" are industry euphemisms for a huge dose of sugar water.
7.  While we we spend more on food labeled "natural", it usually means nothing.  Remember tornadoes are natural too...
8.  Eating 6 ounces of fat-free yogurt daily boosts your weight loss by 81%.
9.  Diabetes:  Your risk rises 94% if you don't get enough magnesium.  Solution:  spinach, tofu, beans, turkey, almonds.
10.  For every pound you lose, you alleviate pressure on your knees by 4 lbs.

We hope some of these simple tidbits make you think...feel free to share your thoughts!

Monday, April 11, 2011

F & F's top 5 kitchen tools

Nutrition is the most vital part in weight loss...and the best way to get there is by spending time in the kitchen making nutrient dense meals and proper portions.  With that in mind we wanted to share our top five favorite kitchen tools that are must haves in our kitchen.

1.  A Food Scale:  Why do we have this as number one?  As American's our views of portion size has been influenced by fast food/chain restaurant serving sizes.  Thus your view of a proper portion probably differs from that of ours or even your significant others for that matter.  But a food scale does not lie.  A 5 ounce serving of chicken is just that, 5 if you're serious about digging in, we recommend this.  Now can you lose weight without having one?  Of course you can!  But it is our belief that for a few bucks you can take out the "chance" factor out of your meals.  Digital scales can be found most anywhere these days for a reasonable price.

2.  Large non-stick skillet pan:  Why?  You can cook just about everything on it!  

3.  Steamer basket:  If you are like most of us and are on the go all the time, this is an inexpensive little investment.  Throw some frozen green vegetables into your steamer and microwave them while you are getting ready for your work day.  Simple, quick and it!  And thank us later!

4.  A sharp knife:  Nothing is worse than trying to cut poultry or a sweet potato with a dull knife...just ask my Father in Law...I seriously think he thought I was A.  either a moron or B.  going to bleed all over his counter...probably at that moment...both were running through his mind.

5.  Food processor:  While this is not a "must-have"  we do like it...we haven't even begun to push the limits with ours.  We love our natural peanut and almond butter that we make.  The Mrs. just made some great natural salsa tonight...if you have thought about getting one and are able...feel free to...we enjoy ours thus far. 

We would love to hear what your favorite kitchen gadgets are!  Comment below...

Article Review: Why We Love Food

So the Mrs. and I were sitting at our usual Sunday evening location enjoying ourselves, when she handed me an article out of Women's Health and said read this.  Being the obedient husband I am, I obliged. 

The article was titled Why We Love Food written by Martha Brockenbrough.  While we read it in print, I went out and found the link for everyone to enjoy it.

I would also like to provide my thoughts on it. 

1.  5% of women are likely impacted by an eating disorder at some point in their life...sooo that means it is very likely someone you know is part of that 5%.  Help them and if it is you don't be afraid to ask for help.
2.  45% of our food preferences are genetic.  You can either use that as an excuse to eat poor or you can see it as if you have 55% available that is all dependent on you...which one is it going to be?
3.  I agree with a majority of the authors view point and understand where she is coming from.  Her last sentence, "At the end of the day each of us has to decide if food is the enemy or a dear friend," speaks volumes.  Do NOT starve yourself, choose nutritionally dense foods that allow you to feel like you are eating alot of food.  Enjoy your food when it is time to eat it!

Feel free to comment, the article is a short read...enjoy!

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Random Opinions...notice I said opinions!

1.        There is no miracle pill out there that will make bodyfat magically disappear. 
2.        Your bodyfat was put on over the course of your life…news flash…it definitely won’t be gone tomorrow, probably not by next week, maybe by next month…but in reality however long you took to put the weight on will be how long it takes to lose it…if not longer.
3.       The HCG diet sucks, of course you’ll lose weight by starving yourself with 500 calories…it isn’t healthy and you should ask yourself, do you really want pregnancy hormones in your system…look it up…do some research…
4.       If you have a shake weight throw it away, it doesn’t work and you look like a fool using it.
5.       Women, lift weights!  You won’t look like a man and you won’t grow a mustache if you pick up some dumbbells…you’d be surprised how many women are able to lift heavy weight and still look like a woman!  Of course some do look like men, but trust me…you won’t…
6.       Men, do cardio!  Chances are that what you think is muscle is actually fat on top of smaller muscles than what you think you have…and I know you just wrote me off as an idiot…I would agree with you on your idiot assumption, if I didn’t used to be one of those guys…Been there, thought I was “huge”, but I was really just fat.
That is all I have at the current time.  You are welcome to disagree with me or agree with me for that matter, I disagree with people everyday.  But that is the great thing about opinions…they are just that.  These are mine.
     Later in the day I may post why I often reference 4.30.11...

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Weight loss ain't all sunshine and rainbows

In honor of one of my favorite movie clips of all time, Rocky 6.  The extremely popular clip where he is talking to his son.  I have decided to revise it in correlation to weight loss.

"Let me tell you something you already know. Weight loss ain't all sunshine and rainbows. It is a very mean and nasty adventure and it will beat you to your knees and keep you yo-yo dieting permanently if you let it. You, me, or nobody is gonna hit as hard as being overweight. But it ain't how hard you hit; it's about how hard you can get hit, and keep moving forward. How much you can take, and keep moving forward. That's how weight loss is done. Now, if you know what you're worth, then go out and get what you're worth. But you gotta be willing to take the hit, and not pointing fingers saying you ain't as skinny as you want to be because of him, or her, or anybody. Cowards do that and that ain't you. You're better than that!"

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Who am I?

Who am I?

I am your constant companion,
I am your greatest helper or your heaviest burden.
I will push you onward or drag you down to failure.
I am at your command.
Half of the tasks that you do you might just as well
Turn over to me and I will do them quickly
and correctly.

I am easily managed,
you must merely be firm with me.
Show me exactly how you want something done;
after a few lessons I will do it automatically.
I am the servant of all great people and
alas of all failures as well.
Those who are great I have made great,
those who are failures I have made failures.

I am not a machine, but I work with all the precision
of a machine, plus the intelligence of a person.
Now you may run me for profit or
you may run me for ruin.
It makes no difference to me.
Take me, train me, be firm with me,
and I will lay the world at your feet.
Be easy with me and I will destroy you.

Who am I?  I am called Habit.

Author Unknown

Monday, April 4, 2011

Sauted Sweet Potatoes

I've had sweet potatoes at least twice a week for the last 18 when you eat something on a regular basis you look for creative ways to prepare it.  This was the first time I prepared them like this and one of the first times where I impressed my wife with my skills...

I have to give credit for the inspiration to a recent trip we took to one of our favorite restaurants Electric Cheetah. 

2 Sweet potatoes cut 1/4 inch wide by the length of the potato.  I then cut those cuts in half.
1 Tbsp of Macadamia Nut Oil along the bottom of the pan(I love the taste, it has the highest smoke point and the monosaturated fat content is awesome).
Sprinkle some garlic salt and seasoning salt on them.
Saute until they are able to be cut with the spatula fairly easily.

Simple, quick and delicious!

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Frustration can go kick rocks

Frustration is an emotion that occurs in situations where one is blocked from reaching a personal goal.  The more important the goal, the greater the frustration.

As previously mentioned, we are real people with real struggles that strive for real results.  Today the ugly emotion that is frustration decided to make an appearance.  

Frustration can be external or internal.  In this case it is internal.  While I will not divulge into too many details, the goal I have on April 30th is important.  In order to achieve that goal I need everything in the road to victory to be spot on...and this morning it was not.  Hence, the more important the goal, the greater the frustration.

I can choose to handle this one of two ways:  I can utilize it as fuel to enrich my preparation or I can let it be destructive by wasting precious thinking ability and attention on it.  Being the glass is half full type of guy I am...Frustration go kick rocks!

Saturday, April 2, 2011


Welcome to our blog!
The elusive first post is finally here.  In our first post we wanted to share a few things. 
This blog came about from Mickey’s creative mind and forward thinking.  It would not be in existence if not for Erin’s support and willingness to participate. 
The goals for our penciling of thoughts include:
1.     Strengthen our minds.
2.     Hold us accountable.
3.     Share certain information we find important, educational and/or amusing.

Oh and if we INSPIRE a few people along the way…fantastic!
What you will see:
1.       About us:  Our story and a small glimpse into why we are venturing down the blog path.
2.       Bieb’s bakes:   We pride ourselves in finding recipes that taste good and that meet our nutritional desires.  This section is an opportunity to share those recipes.
3.       Interviews:  Interviews with people who inspire.  We are truly excited about this section.  Who do you think the first interview will be?  Write your guess in the comments section.
4.       Random postings:  These will give you a glimpse into various aspects of our lives.  Remember we are real people who face the same trials and tribulations towards getting real results.  (You may see opinionated postings as well) Just saying…
5.       Mickey’s competition journey:  Travel along with Mickey as he fuels his competitive fire.
6.       Fitness goodies:  Own what we own.  We’ll only put it in our Amazon associate store if we own it and believe in it.
7.       Tiger Fitness:  Access to the site we prefer for our nutritional supplements.
8.       Friends:  Access to sites of our friends that we enjoy and support.  Contact us if you have a link that we don’t know about.  We cannot promise we’ll share it…but it is worth asking!
We welcome you to follow us here, share the site with your friends and participate.  Until we meet again, remember that great dreams combined with great efforts lead to GREAT RESULTS!