Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Is your body a temple?

I initially wrote this last week after pondering the conversation for a couple of weeks.  I then pulled an Abe Lincoln and sat on this to make sure it was something I wanted to post.  Well…enough sitting on it.  I think it is important to share, because if it changes just one person’s life then I did the right thing. 
Recently I had a conversation with someone that was concerned about me.  They were concerned specifically that I was treating my body like a temple.  This conversation took place two weeks ago and has stuck with me this long that I decided to expound upon it. 
While I agree your body should not be worshipped like a temple, as the only thing that should be worshipped is God.  But when you really look at it, why would you not treat your body as if it were a temple?  I want everyone to ponder these thoughts. 
·         God created you.  ALL of you.  Your BODY, mind and soul.  So why trash any of those things? 
·         You only have one BODY.  You choose how you treat it.
·         Finding balance in life is one of the most difficult things we all face.  Balance involves tying your BODY, mind and soul together to be the most complete person you can be.  It is tough to tie something together if you cannot bend over to tie your shoes or climb a flight of stairs without running out of breath.
·         Everyone of you deserves to be happy.  One of the best ways to achieve that is to improve your self-esteem.  One of the best ways to improving that is improving your health.  If you smoke, quit.  If you drink too much, slow down.  If you swear too much, knock it off, there are kids around.
·         Lastly, the most important reason that you should treat your body as if were a temple is best seen through my story. 
People tend to think the main reason why I’ve changed my lifestyle is because I found a challenge in Natural Bodybuilding.  In part, this is true.  But what very few, if anyone know is that the true reasons I have changed is because of two women who permanently came into my life this past year; my gorgeous wife and my innocent niece. 
I remember fighting back the tears as the Mrs. walked down the aisle, knowing that I had the opportunity to grow as a man and as a husband.  I realized that I need to be there for her just as she is there for me, forever!  You cannot be there for someone forever if you clog your arteries with fast food day in and day out.

I also remember seeing my niece for the first time minutes after she was born and how awakening it was to have a love for a being that you don’t even know.  For those of you with nieces and nephews, you understand.  I realized then that I want to be around to watch her grow and impact her life, forever!  How can you impact a child's life if you can't lead by example and practice what you preach? 
So am I treating my body as if it is important, similar to a temple?  You’re damn right I am. I have a great wife that depends on me mentally, physically and emotionally.   I also have a niece that I look forward to imparting knowledge and watch grow up. 


  1. Tears! We love you very much... Your sister and favorite niece.

  2. Well said! It has been said time and time again, but i'll say it one more time.. "everybody dies, but not everyone lives."
