Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Food is fuel

Fuel at the current time is not used in a positive connotation very often.  Particularly, when talking about fuel prices.  So how fitting that I would write a post about fuel.  But the fuel I am referring to is our daily food intake. 

Ask yourself?  How many times do we see food as a reward or comfort?  Are you really rewarding yourself by chowing down on a bowl of ice cream before bed every night?  Eventually over the course of time, night after night your "reward" catches up to you and your body pays the price. I don't know about you, but I don't want to face the health consequences of poor eating habits later in life that I had an opportunity to control/fix at some point earlier in my life.   

Processed foods and sugar-laden foods are like engine sludge every time you put them in your body.  Think about this, God would not have put people on this earth without a way to eat and fuel ourselves.  But yet we have taken our natural food chain and transformed it into the quick, easy and cheap food chain.  Nah I don't want the asparagus...just give me a handful of those potato chips. 

But if we take the time to realize that whatever foods and liquids we put into our body are what our body functions off of, maybe, just maybe we would think twice.  Start viewing food as the essential fuel that your body functions off of, instead of rewarding yourself or your children with unhealthy shit. 

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