Monday, April 11, 2011

F & F's top 5 kitchen tools

Nutrition is the most vital part in weight loss...and the best way to get there is by spending time in the kitchen making nutrient dense meals and proper portions.  With that in mind we wanted to share our top five favorite kitchen tools that are must haves in our kitchen.

1.  A Food Scale:  Why do we have this as number one?  As American's our views of portion size has been influenced by fast food/chain restaurant serving sizes.  Thus your view of a proper portion probably differs from that of ours or even your significant others for that matter.  But a food scale does not lie.  A 5 ounce serving of chicken is just that, 5 if you're serious about digging in, we recommend this.  Now can you lose weight without having one?  Of course you can!  But it is our belief that for a few bucks you can take out the "chance" factor out of your meals.  Digital scales can be found most anywhere these days for a reasonable price.

2.  Large non-stick skillet pan:  Why?  You can cook just about everything on it!  

3.  Steamer basket:  If you are like most of us and are on the go all the time, this is an inexpensive little investment.  Throw some frozen green vegetables into your steamer and microwave them while you are getting ready for your work day.  Simple, quick and it!  And thank us later!

4.  A sharp knife:  Nothing is worse than trying to cut poultry or a sweet potato with a dull knife...just ask my Father in Law...I seriously think he thought I was A.  either a moron or B.  going to bleed all over his counter...probably at that moment...both were running through his mind.

5.  Food processor:  While this is not a "must-have"  we do like it...we haven't even begun to push the limits with ours.  We love our natural peanut and almond butter that we make.  The Mrs. just made some great natural salsa tonight...if you have thought about getting one and are able...feel free to...we enjoy ours thus far. 

We would love to hear what your favorite kitchen gadgets are!  Comment below...


  1. The blender makes excellent fruit smoothies, a great way to start out your morning. Some nonfat yogurt, strawberries, blueberries, or bananas with some low fat milk. I love it!!!

  2. I agree...the blender is great as well...we shall make that number 6. Just like anything else, these are all interchangeable dependent on the person or household really. Thanks for contributing Jeremy!
